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Step Up and Forge Your Own Path
How responsible are you for what’s happening in your life right now? Are you just going with the flow? Are you forever in an emotional state that keeps you distracted? Do you often blame others for what is or is not happening in your life? Often with new students or during consultations, I hear and […]
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Finding Your Tribe
I am often told stories by singers about the difficulty they have in finding a community of like minded people with whom they can create dialogue that is meaningful to them as well as developing a support group. Where to begin… Becoming a performer is an individual sport. Sure you have a voice teacher and […]
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What Folder Are You In?
What’s one of the first things we as humans think about when we meet someone new? How much of my time, energy, or money, my resources, do I want to spend with this person, at this time?” The next thing we do is to make distinctions by deleting, distorting and generalizing all conversation and impressions […]
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Collect and Reset Yourself
Has there ever been a time when toward the end of an especially challenging day, you felt compelled to sit, close your eyes and try to calm your body and quiet your mind because you had an important audition or performance two hours from now? Are you having trouble with this? Is your anxiety level […]
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Dry Mouth – Auditions / Performance / In General
How many of you have experienced dry mouth when auditioning, performing or just in general? We all need saliva to moisten and cleanse our mouths and digest food. It also helps prevent infections by controlling bacteria and fungi in your mouth. When you don’t make enough saliva, your mouth gets dry and uncomfortable. This condition […]
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Who’s Responsible for Your Career Success?
I am often amazed at how habits dominate our mental, physical and psychological way of moving forward in all that we do. It’s often not done on purpose, but rather we feel stuck and don’t understand how to start the process of change when we realize there might be a different and even better way […]
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It’s Just a Job! It’s Not Emotional or Personal
There are many, many programs and services out there for singers today, but too much of a good thing can also be overwhelming. I've heard from my own students that they can often feel confused and unsure which programs are worth their resources of time, energy and money. As is the case with my students, […]
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What Does Your Brand Say About You?
Everything in life today is branded. It’s a way for you to understand and determine a product’s value, quality, consistency and emotional appeal for you. Notice how you react to these brands: Starbucks, Nike, Apple, Facebook. You have an immediate visceral and emotional response to these names and products. And it happens in an unconscious […]
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Take Back Your Power in 2014
How often do you feel out of control, overwhelmed with all that has to be accomplished to pursue your career? And that is only part of the equation - you still have to do well at school and at your job so you can pay the bills, and have time for loved ones and friends. […]
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