Conversation between Carol Kirkpatrick and Jose Maria Condemi recorded outside the Santa Barbara Opera, discussing topics such as how operas are cast, maintaining professionalism, how to form an emotional connection with an aria, emotional expression and how to bring out the character, and asking "Why?"
I’ve covered this subject before, but believe at this time of year when Auditioning, or as I call it, “Going to Do Your Job” season, is once again upon us its worth repeating. The important thing for you to understand is, that you are an amateur if you believe and behave like one, or you are a professional if you believe and behave as one. It’s never too early to start this process. It’s a choice you need to start considering as you move forward with your career. Even if you are a freshman in college, you must make a choice; include the idea of changing your mindset. And no one said it was going to be easy. However, it will become the path you take. So, let me lay out some of the differences:
There are lots of other differences but it all boils down to two things: fear and reality. Let me leave you with this food for thought: In what circumstances do you find yourself behaving like an amateur instead of as a professional. And, what’s holding you back? Are you hanging around those whose thoughts are more like an amateur? Why not instead hang around those that are enjoying the journey and always moving forward, the professionals and let that rub off on you.
Now, what’s on your mind. Avanti Carol.